UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 DANGER! Whatsapp Flaw Exposes Group Chat  to Potential Attackers Spying  on it

DANGER! Whatsapp Flaw Exposes Group Chat  to Potential Attackers Spying  on it

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Whatsapp Flaw

Whatsapp Flaw

Whatsapp is a powerful communication application with over a billion users across more than 180 countries worldwide.

Whatsapp messenger enables people to keep in touch with friends and families.

It allows people to chat and make video/internet calls across networks.

One other very powerful feature that makes Whatsapp a unique communication application is the fact that when you use a particular phone number to set up the application on your phone initially, you can insert another SIM card with a different number to continue using the application in case you do not have immediate access to the original number used.


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And you can use it anywhere you travel to as it is not location- dependent.

However, in one of our recent articles, we did mention that there will be shockers this year with regards to developments in technology operations and processes.

We found out that a Whatsapp flaw makes it pretty easy for potential attackers to spy on Whatsapp chat groups.

Do you imagine how risky this can be?

Okay, if do not see the danger yet then wait a second let me explain.

Do you know that some families create family Whatsapp groups to chat and maintain some level of family privacy within them?

In these groups, some sensitive information is shared.

Assuming through this Whatsapp flaw, such information is stolen by potential attackers or hackers and made public, what do you think happens to the said family?

Also, top company officials of different establishments take advantage of Whatsapp group chat feature to collaborate and share very important and sometimes private information among themselves.

And should this info be leaked in any way, don’t you think this will spell danger?

Okay now that you have an idea, read on…..


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Typically, no one should have the ability to add someone to a chat group outside the admin who created the group.

By right, end-to-end encryption is to be implemented to ensure nobody is able to have access to the chat messages between the group members.

Not even at the server end should anyone be able to read or view such messages in plaintext.

This is to ensure that information is kept within the limit of the group members alone.

But researchers from the German-based Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) indicates anyone who controls Whatsapp/Signal servers is capable of adding new members to any private group keeping them there to spy up the group’s conversation without authorization of the administrator.

Besides, the administrator will not even be aware of this that his/her group’s privacy has been compromised.

Although, Whatsapp came out to deny the  Whatsapp flaw claim saying communications on the network are well secure and that the messages are encrypted end to end especially on communication between user to user.

The truth remains that no matter the mechanism in place, system end-to-end encryption is paramount so there will be guaranteed protection of privacy as people use the chat service to communicate.

Of course, communication technology will continue to grow especially in this year 2018, stakeholders in the industry must note that while they strive to grow the solutions and investments, the privacy and safety of users is absolutely key.

And users, on the other hand, must also research about any system they engage with for their own safety and privacy.