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What Cloud Computing is and Its Benefits to All in the Year 2023

what cloud computing is

All over the world and even on the internet, we keep seeing many misconstruing the concept of  what cloud computing is in several ways.

To explain this to a beginner, we are keeping in mind the fact that a beginner in this sense is a complete novice hence our explanation has to be as basic as possible.

So what is Cloud Computing?

This is the running of computing workloads remotely over the internet in a commercial provider’s data center, also known as the “public cloud” model. read more

See top 4 cloud security technology tools you must consider to secure your cloud resources 2020

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cloud security technology tools

Cloud computing is fast transforming the way we do business, making information technology more efficient and cost-effective.

But it also exposes companies to all sorts of cyber threats. These days, it is no longer a matter of if, but when it will happen.

In this article, we will talk about cloud computing, its advantages, the security threats to cloud system and the top 4 cloud security technology tools to help you secure your cloud solutions, data, and accounts.

Cloud computing involves putting your information technology resources such as hardware, software and other resources on the cloud also known as data centers to enable you to run your IT operations seamlessly with regards to your business.

Below are some of the advantages of migrating to cloud computing system

  • Helps you to achieve more with less
  • Enhance mobility and scalability
  • Flexible cost
  • Enhance collaboration
  • Centrally update solutions
  • 9% availability (depending on the stability of the host)
  • Highly cost effective
  • read more

      Best information technology degrees you should consider going for

    best information technology degrees

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    best information technology degrees

    Success according to many has little to do with your course of study.

    When it comes to the issue of selecting a course in the university, there are actually several hypotheses and unverifiable theories as to how a course of study can or cannot influence someone’s success in life.

    However, in my personal observation over the years, I have come to realise that everybody was born with a specific talent which will be more relevant in a particular course or area of specialization except if one does not plan to grow through a particular formal career.

    I have met a lot of professionals who complain had they been properly guided before selecting a course to study in the tertiary institution; they would have gone for something else.

    That is to say it is possible you study a course you do not have enough information about and that has the tendency of making you regret at a later age in life.

    Therefore, the essence of this article is to provide proper guide to those who will prefer to take a career in information technology with regards to the best information technology degrees to consider.

    Information technology is quite broad, as it ranges from hardware, to software, database, web, networking, etc. each of these can further be subdivided into different branches as well.

    In this write-up, we will provide you with a list of the best information technology degrees that are likely to be around in the next few decades to come.

    This implies that you may not regret undertaking them as areas of specializations anytime soon because the truth is that even in information technology, some degrees are more needed in the labour market than others.

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    And our list is to give you the best information technology degrees that are highly sort after by employers and captains of industries.

    Below are the best information technology degrees to pick from

  • Computer Programming Degree
  • read more

    See the 6 Keyways Private Cloud Technology can boost your business.

    Private Cloud Technology

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    What is cloud technology or cloud computing?

    Just in case you do not know what cloud technology or computing means or if it still sounds like one strange departmental jargon to you, it is simply a way of enjoying information technology resources or services via the internet.

    For example, your servers, network, applications, storage, database, etc being offered to you across the internet (cloud).

    There are three different cloud technology deployment models which include Private Cloud Technology, Public Cloud Technology, and Hybrid.

    Private cloud technology type deals with setting up a cloud location within a given business environment.

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    E.g. you own a business and want cloud services and decide to set it up within your business premises strictly for your business, no sharing of such hosting services with any other individual or organization.

    You could also be right to say a private cloud technology is created and managed by an entity enterprise.

    While on the other hand, public cloud technology involves sharing hosting resource with two or more people or organisations.

    The hybrid cloud is a situation where a private cloud is connected to a public cloud to activate work processes or operation across the two environments.

    But our interest at this moment is on private cloud option, in our subsequent write-ups we will discuss more on other models.

    Unfortunately, many businesses are yet to appreciate the advantages of private cloud technology to their investments.

    Or some still think cloud computing generally is mainly for the blue-chip companies such as HP, Microsoft, Amazon,  Google, DHL, Apple and the likes.

    But it will interest you to know that all businesses enjoy the benefits of cloud computing in the same way, be it small or big company.

    Below are the 6 key benefits of private cloud technology that will dramatically improve your business output and income.

    Many organisations who have realized the importance have turned to cloud computing without delay.

    1. COST

    Generally, cutting cost is quite important for any establishment that aims to grow and increase productivity.

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    The cost of procuring servers, hardware, network equipment, power supply and backups for the company premises to set up data centers is critically reduced with the use of private cloud technology.

    As well, it reduces carbon footprint within the organisation


    Because the private cloud is enjoyed by just an individual establishment, such organinsation has the control of configuring the inline functionality to serve it in the best way it wishes.


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    While public cloud possesses a certain level of security, private cloud is the most secured model as there is no multiple access to the center hence chances of unauthorized access is quite slim.

    1. SPEED

    Speed is often key when it comes to technology services.

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    Because the private cloud is not shared by multiple users at the same time, there are available resources to service the only establishment billed to enjoy the service.


    Cloud bursting entails n application deployment style whereby an application running in a private cloud technology or data centers blows into the public cloud when the demand for it increases beyond the capacity of the private cloud.

    Therefore, some vendors offer this as part of their plans to users. This is quite helpful in organisattions with irregular demands that could spike up any moment.


    With virtualization option, private cloud technology is super reliable as it allows the systems to harness the resources from points that are less in demand to make the system more reliable.

    With this information, we believe you must have been better informed on how useful private cloud technology will be to your business.