UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 See How to Download Facebook Videos Easily and Fast

See How to Download Facebook Videos , Twitter, Vimeo,AOL Easily and Fast

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How to download Facebook videos is an issue with a lot of people daily as they surf the net and gallivant their Facebook index pages.

Sometimes most often, we come across stuff on the internet especially social media like Facebook which we will like to keep and see them again over and over on our own.

But extracting those things to save for tomorrow’s use is always the problem.

Facebook videos are one of those things.

Some of the videos are inspiring, some educative and so on making us wishing to store copies of them for the future,.

But the challenge is always that we do not know how to download Facebook videos.

Meanwhile, if it were to be how to download videos from the Youtube, we can easily make use of some free applications like youtube downloader and others to achieve that aim.

And lest I forget, downloading stuff from the net most times is at a cost and brings some risks as well.

The cost in terms of data straining and risk with regards to exposure to dangerous scripts such as malware warms or viruses that are capable of causing damage to systems and files.


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Hence, I advise that before ever you hop unto any webpage be it on your computer or even mobile phone, you must fortify your device with a reliable and efficient antivirus and antimalware applications.

There are quite a couple of good ones around that are also affordable. You can go amazon, eBay etc. to find some to procure and install.


  1. Create a folder name it my Facebook Videos ( not a must though, I do that to keep my work tidied and to ensure its handy anytime I need it.)
  2. Place the created folder where you can easily remember its location e.g. desktop.
  3. Right Click on the playing Facebook video you want to download and copy video link
  4. Go to
  5. Paste the copied link on the search field
  6. Click search.
  7. Select which of the options you wish to download (whether you want it in Mp3 or Mp4 video version, I go mostly for Mp3)
  8. Click on the option you prefer in 7. above and automatically your video is downloaded

Start enjoying your video.

From this article, I guess the issue of how to download Facebook videos has been resolved in a simple manner here?

Please note that this website is not only for downloading from Facebook alone as you can use it for the following downloads as well







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