UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 Google AdSense Approval: Here is the Simple Magic You Need -

Google AdSense Approval: Here is the Simple Magic You Need

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Google AdSense Approval image

Google AdSense approval in recent years has become almost impossible especially for certain countries like Nigeria and a host of others.

Just think of Google AdSense as an advertising program by Google where publishers, website owners, YouTube creators etc. earn money by helping their visitors have access to some companies products and services.

I have being trying to get this approval since two years back to no avail.

I read a lot of articles online about the rules to achieve Google AdSense approval, along the line I kept on learning and trying out some of those things I read, yet no approval.

Until through a very painstaking thorough research I discovered that Google algorithm and manual site review for approval  does not require very complicated rules to follow like what so-called SEO expert soften make us to believe.

I asked myself some pertinent questions  and after that I got exactly the trick in few steps to get my Google AdSense approved easily though by adhering to certain simple Google rules which am about to share quickly in this article.

Accepted, Google is getting stricter with AdSense approval by the day, on this too I asked myself why?

I now remembered how after failing to get Google AdSense approval a couple of years back, someone lured me into buying a fake one from him which Google banned a few hours later and my money was gone.

As if that was not enough, about 7months later due to desperation I ran into another person who sold another one to me promising me that one was super original and there was guaranty for money back.

I again wasted my hard earned income only to discover it was again fake without any refund.

So this got me kind of pissed and I vowed never to get involved in procuring anything called Google AdSense unless Google handed it to me herself.

Don’t let me bore you with my frustrating experience.

So now let me head straight to what I found out to be the simple secret on how to get Google AdSense approval with ease.

First of all I will talk about what Google does not care about when you apply for AdSense.

  1. Domain name size

All those early rules of saying the shorter your domain name the easier Google will consider you for Adsense approval and ranking by some SEO expert is no longer in vogue these days.

Google cares less about the length of your URL, at least not these days. If not,  ask yourself should a blog like Linda Ikeji Blog yet ranks well on google search more than even sites with a two letter domain name.

That is to tell you there is more to it than just the domain length.

  1. Google does not care much about your font style, size and color. All Google wants, in this case, is a nice, readable, and appealing design for your visitors.
  2. It does not care whether you host with GoDaddy, Hostgator, or any other host provided your site is secure and efficient. Besides just ensure you host your site with a credible and registered web hosting company

Google AdSense Approval image

Now let me share the simple trick I used to get my Goggle AdSense approval.

Recall from the initial part of these write-up I said all I did was in conjunction with Google AdSense approval procedure.

So here it is. I made sure I followed the steps below:

  1. About Us page

Google actually wants to know if you an authentic person.

This is because Google will do anything to protect her advertisers and your site visitors.

So I introduced myself, talked  about what I do, my areas of competence, how I want to enrich my site visitors with contents that will be of high relevance to them via my website.

  1. Contact Us

You are to have a physical address , like maybe where you live, your contact information like phone number, email address and social media handles.

So I placed my own details in there including my private email address as well as my blog email address which

  1. Categories

Blog category helps to organize your articles in order of related concept.

For example, in this my blog, I have a couple of categories e.g Tech News, How-To, Computer, Phone, etc.

Any article on technology news goes to Tech News, on computer-related goes to Computer category, in that order.

It makes your visitors to easily find what they are looking for in your blog besides it ensures your work is very organized.

And Google takes this seriously.

  1. Privacy Policy

You must need a privacy policy page as to prospect getting google adsense approval to be successful.

A couple of reasons for this come to mind.

  1. It is compulsory by law to indicate that information of your site visitors will be kept under strict privacy.
  2. Users themselves are interested in knowing their information is secure and can’t just be thrown around for any reason.


You can prepare one yourself or use free online sites to generate privacy policy for your website. For free online privacy generators see  Freeprivacypolicy, Privacypolicies and so on.

  1. Terms and Conditions

This acts as a legally binding document between you and your site visitors.

It helps to prevent abuse by your users.

It is one of the conditions for your site to be considered for google adsense approval.

There are many ways you can generate website terms and conditions if you do not know how to prepare one by yourself. You can visit sites like termsandconditionstemplategenerator,Termsandconditionssample etc.

  1. Great Content (not less than 40 blog articles)

They say content is king. This is not just an adage because it is a strong factor when searching for google adsense approval.

And it is not just anyhow articles.

But your article must possess the following simple characteristics:

  1. Originality

Your article must be original which means no copying of content from anywhere.

And then someone may be imagining, is Google a wizard? How does google know I copied someone’s work?

My dear, Google is the biggest and most popular search engine on the internet.

With over 7 billion pages and controlling over 90% internet searches and so on. Google is not a joker.

If you really know this am sure you wouldn’t take any chances

You can work on what someone has done before, no offense but do not copy anybody’s content.

Do your own in your own words.

Create your own images.

In these days of logomakr , pixabay etc., it is quite easy to make your own image.

Don’t  try to download any image from Google image search and use it directly because most of those images are copyrighted and are on Google’s radar.

Follow These steps to secure your Google AdSense Approval ASAP

  1. Articles Word Count

Officially according to google’s specifications,  all articles must have a minimum of 500 words.

But in my own case, I had 50 original articles out of which 12 had above a thousand words and the rest had 500 words and above.

Depending on your time, you can create a detailed article that has such number of words not only is it a condition by Google,  it is better for site engine optimization which enables your blog to rank very well on the search engine.

2. Article must not contain adult content

3. It must not have gambling content

4. it must not promote hate or intended to cause crime in any way.

There are other features but they just add to brighten your chances of getting Google Adsense approval and may not be very compulsory for the approval e.g like Popular Posts, Recent Posts

Do you want more guide on how to get your site approved easily,  a review of your site for approval by Google or maybe you even need a standard blog that can easily be approved by google given all factors are correct?

Leave us a comment below and also drop a note in our email box and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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