UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 How to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen in Few Simple Steps -

How to Fix Windows 10 Black Screen in Few Simple Steps

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In this article, I will be showing you how to fix the problem of windows 10 black screen during startup.

The black screen sometimes happens while your computer is booting up

There could be a couple reasons for the said windows 10 black screen issues. Any of the following possible scenarios may have played out.

  1. It could be because the display adapter driver is outdated
  2. There may be an issue of faulty VGA or HDMI cable
  3. Sometimes  windows 10 black screen is caused by corrupt windows operating system display driver.
  4. The user shell may have being corrupted either by system update file or some malware application. This  is the most common cause of the black screen

The user shell handles different tasks for the operating system like managing the taskbar, desktops, Icons display and other user interface functions.

Steps in fixing Windows 10 Black Screen

First, please note that the first step we will apply in fixing the issue below is meant to be applied in the case of user shell corruption as indicated in the case number (4) above.

First Step

In the event you are suspecting that malware may have damaged the user shell file which is a software-related problem, then it has to be manually corrected.

And to do that, while still on the black screen, just press a combination of keyboard shortcut keys of CTRL + Alt + Delete.

This action takes you to the blue screen with a list of menu items where you will select the Task Manager.

And in a moment you should see the white Task manager page popping up.

Click on FILE

Select Open new Program

TYPE explorer.exe

Click Okay.

 Your screen should be normal again.

How To Address Outdated Adapter Driver, Faulty VGA Or HDMI Cables Issues

These cases seldom happen, however just in case the problem is caused by an outdated adapter driver just click on the windows search bar and type windows update.

Then click update now, the adapter will be updated, after updated ensure you restart your computer. But do not forget that your computer has to be connected to internet for updating process.

Fixing Black Screen in the case of VGA or HMDI cable fault just requires that you replace the failed cables. That’s all.

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