UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 The first major and Latest Windows 10 Updates -

The first major and Latest Windows 10 Updates

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Windows 10 Updates

Microsoft Corporation, the owners of Microsoft Windows Operating System for some months now has being testing the first major update for her latest windows 10 operating system.Windows  fans will be glad to see this happen and happen quick as over 110 million machines are said to be running the windows 10 operating system already.

Like every other great project well delivered, Windows 10 came with its own teething issues to be addressed such as
a new coloured title bar for desktop software. All software will now feel a lot alike and more blended as
the ones designed originally for windows 10.
Also, the corporation has enhanced the context menus all around the Windows 10 operating system to ensure they appear a bit bigger and more shadier to match the theme.


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Furthermore, there is the integration of Skype which contains facilities for messaging and Skype Video apps which
i view as a huge boost to the entertainment angle of the productive operating system.
The integrated Skype on Windows 10 is to ensure that users have access to the primary messaging, audio and video calls without having to go through the rigours of downloading the complete version of Skype.They are both available at the Windows store.

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One other interesting feature of Windows 10 update is that it now allows users to install applications on external storage devices such as external hard drives and  flash drives.The system icons are also improved and made to look more beautiful.
There is also what we called Tablet Mode, which allows users to swipe to close applications so easily.

Microsoft Edge browser and Cortana in Window 10 Fall update is also been improved. Part of the exceptional new features included in Edge is that it can now sync settings, favourites and reading list together with a new tab preview feature.

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Before now, if you do not have Microsoft account you wont be able to run Cortana, but now without Microsoft account you can run Cortana conveniently.
Meanwhile the digital assistant too can now decode inked notes in the windows 10 Fall update.

For the operating system to carry all these features and more, it will be difficult for any ardent windows user or fan to easily wish away the operating system.

Windows as the leader of market stand a chance of witnessing another break through via the introduction of this new windows into the computer arena,.

Microsoft windows competitors will be given a run for their money considering the quality of work  put into windows 10.

The industry watchers are watching soon we shall know how far.

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft Corporation

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