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See top 4 cloud security technology tools you must consider to secure your cloud resources 2020

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cloud security technology tools

Cloud computing is fast transforming the way we do business, making information technology more efficient and cost-effective.

But it also exposes companies to all sorts of cyber threats. These days, it is no longer a matter of if, but when it will happen.

In this article, we will talk about cloud computing, its advantages, the security threats to cloud system and the top 4 cloud security technology tools to help you secure your cloud solutions, data, and accounts.

Cloud computing involves putting your information technology resources such as hardware, software and other resources on the cloud also known as data centers to enable you to run your IT operations seamlessly with regards to your business.

Below are some of the advantages of migrating to cloud computing system

  1. Helps you to achieve more with less
  2. Enhance mobility and scalability
  3. Flexible cost
  4. Enhance collaboration
  5. Centrally update solutions
  6. 9% availability (depending on the stability of the host)
  7. Highly cost effective


No doubt,  we could go on and on talking about lots of advantages of cloud computing.

However, the down side of cloud computing is the issues of cloud security threats.

Because worries are that cloud computing system exposes companies and individuals to all sorts of cyber threats.

As earlier mentioned above, these days, it is no longer a question of what if, but when it will it take place.

Unethical hackers are not smiling as they keep finding diverse ways of compromising cloud accounts, solutions, and data for one reason or the other.

But do we say, No to Cloud Computing because of these threats? This will be counterproductive because the advantages of cloud computing are way too important as well.

To address this challenge, we have researched and made a list of top 4 cloud security technology tools to help you secure your cloud data and solutions.

Therefore, if you want to continue using the cloud in your business with a plan to find a way to mitigate such risk, then see the very useful tools to help you achieve your aim below.

There are quite a handful of cloud security technology tools around, however, we identified these four based on certain criteria they possess such as efficiency, reliability, consistency, cost-effectiveness, and transparency.

  1. Netskope:

This is a solution that tracks and monitors cloud applications and all hidden use of these solutions and related resources.

When you read further you will discover why Netskope makes this list of top 4 cloud security technology tools.

Part of network security challenge in IT is what we call Shadow IT. This term entails the use of IT facility without the knowledge of the approved organization.

For instance, your company has office 365 license, and someone secretly uses the application behind without your company’s approval.

Netskope is efficient in preventing your cloud apps and data to be engaged by anyone without the approval of your company.

Netskope monitors sessions, users, download and shared contents and generates a detailed analytic report which will make it easy for fishing out any illegal user or attempted user.

Besides, it develops an audit trail file which will be studied to capture all activities of users.


  1. Skyhigh Networks

Skyhigh Network traces, analyses and safeguards your cloud services e.g applications.

It makes use of log file details generated from firewalls, proxies, and gateways to swiftly display what cloud applications your employees engage in.

Based on this principle, Skyhigh Networks make available custom-based risk assessment report of all cloud software solutions engaged in by users.

The network has enhanced analytical tools to track inconsistencies in your security policy framework as well as potential data threats.

Also, there is a feature in Skyhigh Networks referred to as 3-Clicks security that makes use of technology to grant access to the cloud, implement regular broad spectrum policies over a wide range of clouds and allow direct access devoid of VPNs or device agents.

Finally, Skyhigh Network encrypts data and applies data loss protection enforcement on the cloud facility.

No doubt, Skyhigh Networks made the list of cloud security technology tools because of its efficiency.



  1. Bitglass:

Bitglass runs what is referred to as ‘zero-day  Cloud Access Security Broker(CASB) solution which is capable of balancing cloud agility, security and user experience.

Apart from the above, it made the list of cloud security technology tools to go for because it is capable of controlling the movement of sensitive data in and out of the cloud in real time even including doing that on your mobile devices.

Not only that, it ensures security and compliance for data with searchable cloud encryption.

Bitglass prevents data breaches while ensuring applications function without any hitches.

It prevents malware and provides threat protection.

With all these functions and more, you will agree with me that Bitglass has to make our list of top 4 cloud security technology tools.


  1. CipherCloud

CipherCloud is a cloud-based software solution developed to encrypt or create tokens on data at your business gateway point.

Unlike the earlier cloud security tools mentioned above, CipherCloud concentrates mainly on encrypting data within clouds.

It encrypts your data during upload and decrypts it while downloading with the encryption key used on this process staying within your business network thereby ensuring unauthorized cloud users will only see encrypted and scrambled characters that will not make any reading sense to them.

CipherCloud also comes embedded with data loss prevention and malware detection mechanism.

There are actually some versions of the solution built specifically for some cloud-based applications such as Gmail, Box, Office365, and Salesforce etc.

Making the list of top 4 cloud security technology tools to safeguard your cloud business is really worth it.


The various services discussed above have respective areas they attempt to solve problems of cloud computing threats, however, each of them is strong in addressing specific needs.

For instance, if your cloud computing challenge is about an issue of data theft or compromise, a solution like CipherCloud is your best bet.

While if you have issues of addressing Shadow IT then you consider solutions like Netskope, Bitglass, and Skyhigh Network.

We hope this article was able to help out with this list of useful cloud security technology tools to address your cloud security needs.

Theme: See top 4 cloud security technology tools you must consider to secure your cloud resources

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