UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 How to block websites from browsing on your computer

How to block websites on your computer

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block websites

Do you have challenges controlling who browses or downloads what on your windows pc and want to block websites you do not want them to access on your computer? You may wish to block sites like youtube, facebook, badoo, twoo,twitter etc. Then search no further as we are here to show you the very simple steps to achieve that.

The importance of internet to mankind can never be over emphasized. It facilitates and affects almost all spheres of human life.

Individuals and companies spend huge funds on internet services; however, there is serious abuse of available internet data.

With the current trend of social media platforms  and blogging where people easily connect with friends, fans, colleagues and get involved in video streaming and downloading, images, gaming etc, there is the need to block websites that are not necessarily needed.

Besides, at times it may be necessary to  as well block a website to avoid privacy violations, prevent access to adult content or simply to avoid net loafing that gives rise data wastage.

To block websites on your windows computer, it is quite easy. You do not need to be techy before you can do that.

In this article we will teach you how to on your own block certain websites from opening on your browsers.

If you are ready, then we are set lets go .

  1. First open your Computer


block website

After opening Computer, Look for C: drive or any drive that may have your windows installed ( in this case I want to assume that it was installed on C:/.

2. Open  C: drive and Open Windows Folder as seen in the image below:

Locate  and open System 32 Folder  on the list of folders under windows.

block websites

See image below:

3. Proceed to open Drivers folder

block websites

4. Having opened the Drivers folder, go ahead to locate and open etc folder

block websites

5. Locate and right click on the host file that is a text file as seen in the picture below and choose either notepad or Open With to enable you select notepad.

block websites

After opening with notepad, you will see the text document with codes as can be found in the image below

block websites

6. You will locate the last line of the code, and type your own code. Let’s say I want to  block and, I will type the loopback  address of the network card of the computer which is by default followed by a space and then type the url of the site you want to block.

Type the URLs you wish to blcok as follows


Having done that, Click on Save. Then go to  open your browsers,type any of the urls blocked and you will see that the site cannot open.

One more thing lest I forget, sometimes certain antivirus programs do not allow  you to update host file without restrictions, in that case you may  need to disable the antivirus so the host file can save.

For systems running microsoft essentials, follow the same step above to disable should it restrict updating of host file

We do hope this article was helpful.

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