UA-208572229-1 G-XLJDE19NX2 7  Google search killer tricks to find anything you want fast

7  Google search killer tricks to find anything you want fast

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google search

Google search is the most frequently and easily engaged tool for obtaining information from the web. The Internet itself is an awesome phenomenon where research on anything can be done with ease if one is familiar with great searching skills.

But unfortunately, most people despite the tones and tones of valuable information domiciled in the web , are not able to easily locate what they want.

Google search method is not the only way to find information on the web, we have many other browsers on the internet that are as well nice and cool enough for people to engage to obtain information.

Alternatives to Google Search Engine

Some of the very great alternatives to google search browsers are  bing(the second most popular browser owned by Microsoft corporation), duckduckgo, quora ,dogpile,vimeo etc.

However, google happens to be the most popular browser with almost  5 billion pages indexed as at January 31st 2017. It is not a joke for a single browser to have indexed such volume of web pages, part of the reasons google is still the leading browser on the world wide web today.

The essence of this article is to help you learn how easily you can use google search to find what you want and quickly too.

One thing in online research is to find what you want and another is to get it quickly because time is a  highly valuable resource which if lost can never be regained.

Therefore, these 7 master and killer tricks are to help you become super smarter on how to use google search to locate specific information on the internet without delay or loafing around the net.

Google Search ricks:

  1. Make use of quotation marks to search for a phrase rather than typing the words separately.                                        This ensures that the phrase is search is specific and easily fetched. For instance, instead of typing Bible Study, use “bible study”.
  1. Use a minus sign to ignore a word. For example, cookie recipe –chocolate chip.

This will allow you to search out only Chip eliminating chocolate when the result is displayed.

  1. Search privately without IP address and location tracking.

It will interest you to know that searching ordinarily on Google exposes your location and your device(e.g. Computer) used in doing the searching.

Some people do not mind, however, other care about their privacy.  Therefore, if you will not like Google to track your computer internet protocol address and your physical location, go to File, select New Incognito Windows option on the Google browser to embark on your search.

  1. Track packages without visiting some carrier’s websites. It is possible to track your waybill items on certain carriers directly via google search without using their websites.

Carriers like FedEx, DHL and a few others are compliant to this. So to do that, just go to google search field and type in the waybill number then click search.

  1. Use an asterisk to find a word you can’t remember. This helps to search all closely related words to what you are searching for. Example all the Juliat Robert’s  *movies

  1. Look for similar websites. To do this, you make use of the related words as you type your value for the search field. For instance Related: or as the case may be.

This will pull all similar websites on that topic.

  1. Find GIF(Graphic Interchange Format) images using google images. GIF images deal with images with animated properties.

You can use google search to find such images by going to Search Tool, Types and select  Animated while on the google search page to pick which of the animated images you want.

So I guess you must have learned something helpful  today from this article.

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