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How to hide your Date of Birth on Facebook in this 2020


During account signup on Facebook, date of birth is one of the information required on the online form been filled.

And by default, Facebook displays date of birth automatically just the way name and other information are shown.

Reason being that Facebook thinks it doesn’t matter to people if their dates of birth are shown to the world on their profiles. read more

How to Change Facebook Profile Pictures

Pictures are integral part of social media fun like in the case of Facebook where pictures speak volumes often times.

Through Facebook pictures, friends and relative who may have lost contact can easily identify and get connected to someone.

Through them we have an idea of how a person is faring to a reasonable extent. Perhaps that explains why it has become common knowledge that people put the very  best of them on our  profiles. read more

How To Backup Blackberry Data Automatically

Blackberry slim
Blackberry is a powerful technology that will be more highly enjoyed if properly secured and backed up.

One major area where blackberry is looked at as a revolutionary tool in information and communication technology is in messaging.

Be it email service, short message service (sms) , multimedia messaging service( mms) , Blackberry Messaging (bbm)etc, blackberry is really a tool that one can depend on for efficiency. read more

7 Easy Ways to Boost Wi-Fi Signal

Wi-Fi signal
Wi-Fi Router

In this write-up, we will discuss ways by which we can boost Wi-Fi signal strength.

Wi-Fi is a technology that uses radio frequency signals to provide wireless network thereby allowing network/internet users to connect to the network without using a cable. Wi-Fi makes use of devices to achieve that. One of the examples of the devices is a Wi-Fi router. During our discussion on this article we will mostly be referring to the said Wi-Fi  router as just  device or  Wi-Fi device. read more