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7 Horrible mistakes you make when securing a database

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securing a database

As attackers still concentrate on attack methods like service denial and vandalism, cybercriminals aim at unauthorized access of databases.

This article brings you 7 horrible blunders that most database experts and developers make when securing a database which is way dangerous to the database.
Database security is quite a broad concept that could never be covered in a single article.

However, knowing the unhealthy habits of running database security which is capable of endangering the database helps one to avoid such mistakes to guaranty safer and more secure database.

Avoid The Following Mistakes in Securing a Database

1. Keeping Both Database and Web Server on the same server

Most IT teams of organizations see nothing wrong installing both the database and the web server in the same machine.

But I see everything wrong with this style while securing a database.

This is because, although putting both on the same server makes it easy for management and in terms of saving cost too, this mistake makes access to the database more effortless and easy.

Securing a database requires conscious effort to engage in the right habits and putting both web server and the database in the same server is not among the best habits in this regards.

2. Running Database Files Without Encryptions
According to Wikipedia,” Database encryption can generally be defined as a process that uses an algorithm to transform data stored in a database into “cipher text” that is incomprehensible without first being decrypted”

Hence the purpose of encrypting a database is basically to ensure that the data stored in it is protected from being accessed by an individual with potential malicious intentions.
Therefore, in securing a database one has to encrypt it adequately.

3. Using a Shared Web server
Despite how sensitive the data in a database are, some people still do not see the need to host such a database in a dedicated server.

This I must say is one of the worst decisions in securing a database.

You may also need to speak with your host on what your security policies are and what their own security responsibilities should be with reference to your hosting account.

Sure it is always cheaper hosting on a shared server, but as I said earlier in this paragraph if your database holds sensitive information, it is better you use a dedicated server.

4. Not Turning On Security Controls on the Database
Of course, most databases have security control turned on automatically these days.

But then due to how critical the issue of securing a database is, it doesn’t hurt taking pains to enable security control in your database in a few minutes.

5. Allowing too many third Party Applications
It is not the right approach to allow too many third-party applications on the site or platform.

Especially those apps that pull directly from the database constitutes a potential threat to the security of the database.

Hence as a smart way of securing a database, we advise limiting the number of third-party software.

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6. Not Encrypting Backup Files.
Unfortunately, many people care less about database backups taken and stored somewhere.

But research shows that not all data thefts are carried out by outside attacks.

As sometimes, it is someone around you that you even trust that can commit such a crime.

Encrypting your database backup is a good way to protect that confidential data in the system.

7. Non- regular Patches Update
Running the system without current patches helps to expose the database to easy access and compromise.

I find so many administrators guilty on this. Instead of clicking on Remind Me Later button, why not have a little patience and click that Update Now tab.

This will sure save your work and maybe even your job.
I do hope this article helped to provide you with the necessary guide in securing a database.

In case we miss out on anyone kindly drop us a comment, or if there is any area you will like us to write on, kindly leave a comment below.

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