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7 Easy Ways to Boost Wi-Fi Signal

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Wi-Fi signal
Wi-Fi Router

In this write-up, we will discuss ways by which we can boost Wi-Fi signal strength.

Wi-Fi is a technology that uses radio frequency signals to provide wireless network thereby allowing network/internet users to connect to the network without using a cable. Wi-Fi makes use of devices to achieve that. One of the examples of the devices is a Wi-Fi router. During our discussion on this article we will mostly be referring to the said Wi-Fi  router as just  device or  Wi-Fi device.

 Most times, Wi-Fi signal strength is affected by a number of environmental factors including thick walls, glittering marbled or tiled surfaces, electromagnetic interference, distance etc. These factors and more affect the efficiency of Wi-Fi signal. An efficient Wi-Fi system is fast, reliable, secure and  consistent.

When  network generates  is sluggish wi-fi signal, it impacts negatively on the entire performance of the system and even the usage is badly affected.

 To boost the performance of any Wi-Fi network certain tips need to be considered and implemented. They are:

There is what we call omnidirectional broadcast of signals by most if not all Wi-Fi devices. This entails that the devices send wi-fi signals in different directions at the same time. Placing device in a closet, in between thick walls or inside rooms reduces the strength of the signal.  Therefore it is important that you position your Wi-Fi device in a strategic position devoid of blockades and obstructions. Doing so will ensure there is free flow of Wi-Fi signals to expected directions and spots.

Avoid keeping your Wi-Fi device close to other electronic gadgets most especially devices with transmission speed from 2.4Ghz. Example of such gadgets are Television remote Control, wireless microphone or telephone, Video Game controller, Microwave device, baby monitors, Bluetooth devices and wireless video cameras.
Positioning your router near any of these devices depletes your Wi-Fi  signal from the device drastically due to interference.

Wi-Fi extender also known as range extender is a device used in expanding the coverage strength of your wi-fi signal. This multiplies the strength of your Wi-Fi signal thereby pushing the coverage further beyond the immediate capacity. Example of ranger extender is TP-Link  TL-WA830RE range extender.

Router’s wi-fi signal  performance depreciate with time due to constant  voltage running through it every day coupled with daily heat it generates while working.

It becomes important that you consider adding strength to your route or wi-fi signal to boost its performance at some point. That item that will give your device the needed extra power to extend its signal  further is the range extender.

  • Place the Wi-Fi device away from the floor

Do not place your device on the bare floor or in the midst of other materials like clothes. It is also not advisable to place the device where it is covered with books or papers or even on a wet surface as this will directly affect its signal strength and performance. Do not also raise the device too high but place it on an open space devoid of harsh weather.

The reason is that Wi-Fi signals require free space to travel easily and freely.

  • Secure your router with a complex password

Most times Wi-Fi signals are basterdised by unwanted access to the network. E.g. neighbours and passersby.  When unauthorised users login illegally to use the network, there is the tendency that such users abuse the system thereby causing  the network strength to be negatively impacted. Securing your Wi-Fi with a complex pass-code or password helps to deter such users from gaining access to the network while guaranteeing regular availability of the Wi-Fi service for legitimate use.

I will also advise that frequent change of your device password from time to time be considered.

  • Build a physical protective guard around the device.

Several Wi-Fi routers that I know of are handy. They can be easily picked , sometimes even pocketed and taken away due to their portable size. If this happens, there will definitely be interruption of service.

To avoid this situation, always ensure that there is physical security of the location where the device is deployed. You can consider building a small lockable iron barrier around the router to protect it from illegal physical access.

  • Deploy new device

Nothing lasts forever. The average life expectancy of a good Wi-Fi router should be about 10 years depending on condition of use. Most routers last longer while others fail before getting to 10 years mark.

However, when it gets to a point where you can confirm that the lifespan is been strained beyond its original stipulation, it is advisable to replace with a new one. That way your work won’t be impaired due to service disruption.

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